JUMP TO👋 WelcomeGetting startedOverviewAuthenticationIntegrating the Dotfile APIStart KYB processStart KYC processAPI release & changesSupport⚙️ API specificationsPingPing the APIgetCasesThe Case ObjectList all casesgetCreate a casepostRetrieve a casegetUpdate a casepatchDelete a casedeleteRetrieve case's notesgetRetrieve case's documentsgetGenerate case reportpostCreate a case reviewpostCreate an automatic riskpostCreate a relationpostUpdate a relationpatchDelete a relationdeleteCompany dataFinding Company dataList countriesgetSearch companiesgetFetch company datagetList available documents for a given companygetCreate a document orderpostCompaniesList all companiesgetCreate a companypostRetrieve a companygetUpdate a companypatchDelete a companydeleteRetrieve a company vendor datagetIndividualsList all companiesgetCreate an individualpostRetrieve an individualgetUpdate an individualpatchDelete an individualdeleteSet individual relevancepostChecksThe Check ObjectList all checksgetDelete a checkdeleteID Document checkVerifying an Individual's Identity documentCreate an ID Document checkpostRetrieve an ID Document checkgetAdd filespostReview an ID Document checkpatchID Verification checkVerifying an Individual's IdentityCreate an ID Verification checkpostRetrieve an ID Verification checkgetReview an ID Verification checkpatchRefresh an ID Verification check urlpostAML checkPerforming an AML ScreeningCreate an AML checkpostRetrieve an AML checkgetReview AML hitspatchReview an AML checkpatchUpdate an AML check monitoringpatchDocument checkVerifying a DocumentCreate a Document checkpostAdd filespostRetrieve a Document checkgetForce reviewpostReview a Document checkpatchList all custom document typesgetTemplatesThe Template ObjectList all templatesgetRetrieve a templategetRun a templatepostTagsList all tagsgetCreate a tagpostRetrieve a taggetUpdate a tagpatchDelete a tagdeleteAdd tags to casepostGet case's tagsgetDelete case's tagsdeleteNotesCreate a notepostCreate a note commentpostActivitiesList all activitiesgetFilesThe File ObjectUpload a filepostDownload a filegetUsersList all usersgetRetrieve an usergetWebhooksIntegrate WebhooksList all webhooksgetCreate a webhookpostRetrieve a webhookgetUpdate a webhookpatchDelete a webhookdelete🛠️ Additional ResourcesStatus CodesFiltering, Sorting and PaginationRate limitPowered by Update an individualpatch https://beta.api.dotfile.com/v1/individuals/{id}Updates the individual with the given ID.