Identity Verification Check can be executed on:
Here is the classic flow of an Identity document check:
Create Identity document check for an individual
Via API or in Console App, you can create an identity document check for an individual.

You can upload the picture of the document when the check is created or later.
The picture of the documents can be added:
- using the ID Document add files endpoint
- in the Console App by a compliance analyst
- in the Portal App by your customer
You can learn how to upload a file and attach it to the ID Document Check in the File guide
Currently only ID card and Passport documents are supported.
You can configure whether to automatically accept vendor’s approval in workspace settings or when creating the check via the API.
Here is an example payload with all parameters:
"individual_id": "31ac47a1-dbe7-4a2d-9762-f01c449de0b2",
"settings": {
"manual_review": true
"data": {
"front_upload_ref": "dG1wL2lkZnJvbnQtMTY3ODI2Mjk5MDEzNGVscnZPLmpwZyxpbWFnZS9qcGVnLGlkX2Zyb250LmpwZw==",
"back_upload_ref": "dG1wL2lkZmJhY2stMTY3ODI2Mjk5MDEzNGVscnZPLmpwZyxpbWFnZS9qcGVnLGlkX2JhY2suanBn"
Review check result
On Console App
After the document has been uploaded, the vendor reviews them and send to Dotfile the results.
Possible results are: Approved, Rejected, Error or No result (null
If there is no results or it is Error, the check status is updated to Need review, meaning that your compliance analysts have to review the results and decide to approve or reject and ask a new check.
For Identity Document check result, Dotfile provide a list of details :
- Data validation: Asserts whether the format and length of the fields are correct for that document type.
- Data consistency: Not yet available for this check.
- Data comparison: Establishes whether the data provided by the applicant matches the data extracted from the document.
- Image integrity : Asserts whether the document was of sufficient quality to verify.
- Visual authenticity: Asserts whether visual (non-textual) elements are correct given the document type.
- Compromised document: Asserts whether the image of the document has been found in control database.
You can also send the review decision via the API endpoint Review an ID Document check.
In request body, you must specify the action
: to change the result to Approvedreject
: to change the to Rejected
Optionally, you can also pass a comment
This will update the check data review object and the reviewer_type
will be set to api
Get notified via webhook of check result
Example of integration workflow:
Lean more webhook events on checks