API Reference

Getting started

Welcome to the Dotfile API doc!

Dotfile is the all-in-one platform for customer verification.

The Dotfile API is built around the following key concepts:

  • Case - case management system to carry your KYC/KYB process
  • Search & enrich Companies data and get company documents
  • Add Entities Company or Individual in your case
  • Checks - verification processes to perform on entities (ID verification, AML screening, …)
  • Webhooks - get notified when specific events occur to synchronize your system

Read through the API reference to learn how to integrate the Dotfile API.

You can also find the API specification in format OpenAPI v3 json here 👉

To begin to play with the API, first generate an API key in your workspace and you can start to test the API via the API reference or in your preferred collection request tool (such as Postman, Insomnia).